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Commercial OSM Users: Show Your Support – Join the OSMF

11.02.2014 | Frederik Ramm

The OpenStreetMap Foundation is an English non-profit organisation created to support the OpenStreetMap project. It has about 500 individual members. The Foundation pays for the servers on which OSM is run, organises the yearly “State of the Map” conference, and last not least also has to deal with the legal aspects of running a world-wide, crowd-sourced mapping project. Foundation work is done by volunteers entirely (one of which is this author), but of course money is needed for hardware and hosting, accounting, legal fees, and various bits and pieces that help the volunteers do their jobs.

Since the Foundation’s last Annual General Meeting in September 2013, the Foundation is open to corporate members.

You can now be among the first who publicly show their support for the OpenStreetMap project by signing up as a corporate OSMF member. The membership fee is £1,000 per year (at current rates, that’s €1,200 and US$1,650). Your membership fees will help to keep OpenStreetMap’s servers running and ensure the continued success of the project.

Read more on the OSM Foundation blog.

Geofabrik, of course, has joined already, and we encourage our friends and clients to do likewise.